Beautiful Christmas, beautiful temple! I hope you don't mind a backwards glance at our holiday month.

The extremely chilly evening of December 28th was exactly what our memories would need to last us until our next trip to Utah.

Two of my Christmas angels

If the spires and the gate look frosted and frozen it's because they are.

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a visit to see Temple Square with the lights and sites.

Thomas said with a believably sad voice, "Grandma, I want to stay here forever." He knows how to make my day. His arm around my neck melts my heart.

Kimball's wiggles were just too much after an hour of church and then waiting to leave for Colorado.

The good byes are the most difficult thing about this Qatar experience.

The Robinsons were looking especially good looking before they left for home - what a great family! Did I mention Kristy was called to be the Young Women President in her ward? She will do a great job, but yikes, she will be busy!

Yeah, we're beautiful!

The nerdy look is a good one for Kimballicious

Abbey and I entertained the boys with rides in a cardboard box while their parents got ready to head home to Colorado.

One of my favorite things to do is entertain these boys in Sacrament Meeting. It is a challenge to see how long I can do it, especially with Kimball. The mints and bandaids in my purse could only hold his attention for so long.

Here is another overwhelming part of our Christmas. Brett and I bought each other wedding rings. After 27 years, we thought it was time to upgrade. Thanks to the sell of one of his paintings, it happened.

Okay, the biggest surprise of the season was my gift from Ben and Mary. I ripped off the paper and saw a Willow Tree statue called "Grandmother". I was busy thanking them when I opened the box and saw a picture of an ultrasound. Baby Kearney is due in July! How blessed we are to have a third grandchild on the way. Mary was VERY sneaky at keeping the surprise. When they picked us up from the airport she told Ben to drive a little faster because she had to go to the bathroom. I clued in to that quickly and asked her if she was pregnant. She dramatically exclaimed that they wouldn't be having a baby for a million years. She is way too good at being so sneaky!

Abbey gave Ben this cool Batman shirt. My children are the best gift givers. They are the most thoughtful people I know and take such effort and care in what they make or buy for someone.

As I said above, my children are the best gift givers. Kristy made most of the gifts she gave us. She made this beautiful quilt for me out of material she got from my mom. The bright flowered material is also on the quilt she made for Abbey's baptism last year. It comes from a laundry bag my sister gave me when I went to college. Then when Kristy and Ben were small I changed the laundry bag into a Gunny Bag for Joy School purposes. Then when Kristy went to BYU, I turned it back into a laundry bag and sent it with her. She has kept it all this time and made two treasures out of it. She also hand embroidered some handkerchiefs for Brett. Thanks, my Kristy. Your talents are only exceeded by your thoughtful, loving heart.

Another gift Kristy made gave us all some smiles. When Jared tried on the pajamas she made for him, Kristy realized she had made them a little too small. The fashion show that Jared provided was superb, and it will be a Christmas memory highlight for years to come.

We had a family talent show on Christmas Eve, and we persuaded Mary to bake for her talent. She is an excellent cook, and this lemon bundt cake was heavenly. I love anything lemon so I had more than my fair share of this beautiful expression of Mary's gifts. Yum! Thanks, Mary!

Kristy got a guitar for her birthday in September, so she showcased her new skills at our talent show with a rendition of "Silent Night". Beautiful!

Jared shared a Christmas story with us for his talent. It was perfect.

Ben played two songs and sang. My talented kids never cease to amaze me!

Abbey and I surprised the family with a piano duet. Everyone in the family knew that Abbey had started piano lessons in October, but they didn't know I had too. Grandma Drawe and Kristy also did a piano duet, and Brett played the guitar. It was a fun night.

By 6:30 the boys were ready to say good night so they could wiggle and squirm thinking about Santa. Oh, it was so great to have their excitement and energy in the house!

Kimball sang part of "I Am a Child of God" and most of "Ring Around the Rosey" for his talent show contribution. It was charming.

Thomas sang "I Am a Child of God" in the sweetest way. He is his mother's son - a natural performer.

Matching jammies are the best!

Abbey used her doll Bianca for the baby Jesus while she played the role of Mary. Notice our new stockings on the fireplace. The hooks I got at the stocking website are ingenious and injury proof.

Here is our very casual Kearney version of a live nativity, and boy was it lively! Jared was our narrator. Mary played the angel, but like all angels, she was camera shy.

Thomas was Joseph and a shepherd. His previous acting experience in his Joy School nativity made him very qualified for the roles.

Kimball was a shepherd and the innkeeper. His "No room!" stole the show.

I brought the traditional Qatari headdress for all the boys in the family, so everyone had authentic Arab gear for our impromptu show.

Cute sisters!

We were lucky enough to have Grandma Drawe with us that night, and we enjoyed honoring Grandpa Drawe on the anniversary of his passing by eating the best German sausages, cold cuts, and pastries from Siegfried's and Vosen's. Grandpa Drawe would have loved it. We miss you, Dad!

Ben and Mary look kind of sneaky and secretive, don't you think?

One of Brett's funnest presents came from Jan (the champ of gift giving). She knows how conflicted Brett is about growing up a BYU fan, having two BYU alumuni in our family, and being a U grad himself.

Brett's mom, Marcell, and Jan came for some Kearney fun on the afternoon of Christmas Eve.

Jan's motto: It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. She gave Abbey an i-Pod touch and all the trimmings without checking with us first. Look how concerned she looks though. I think maybe Abbey figured out how to get around Mom and Dad this time.

Kristy spent some of Christmas Eve not feeling well, but Marcell's TLC helped.

I'm a grandma, I can't help but include this one!

Our tree was pretty packed even before Santa stopped by!
This year I had enough time to wrap presents and actually make them look nice. Just so you know, I love wire ribbon.

Again, Abbey wins in the kid entertaining competition. She and Thomas spent about 3o minutes upside down with their legs in various positions like this. Monkey see, monkey do.

Our annual Reilley party had its 20th showing this year, and Lori made it wonderful as always.

Mary was so cute helping Abbey play Catch Phrase. The girls were the winners, of course.
We had a great December. We were able to attend the temple quite a few times, go to the Forgotten Carols, see a couple of movies, visit our parents and other friends and family members, spend time with the Reilleys, the Straights, and the Mehrs, and relax by the fire a little. We are a very lucky family, and December is the perfect month to remember and reflect on a year's worth of blessings.