Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Sheets Down Under

Last night as I was tucking Abbey in we were trying to straighten her sheets and comforter.  To say she is a wild sleeper is putting it mildly, so things were pretty twisted around.  Somehow her top sheet always ends up wadded up at the bottom of her bed, and as a result, her bed often goes unmade for days.  Shocking, I know!  I guess you could say Abbey has turned into quite a world traveler now and it shows even in her figurative language.  As I pulled the sheet up to her grinning chin Abbey said, "I don't know why my sheet always goes down to my Australia every night." So here's to a good night's rest tonight and the opportunity for all of us, not just our sheets, to visit the Land Down Under someday. 


Mary said...

Haha sounds like she sleeps like Ben! I love Abbeyisms!

terahreu said...

Okay, that is so cute! It just shows how Abbey views her world. It is all around her and accessible. I love it. But does that mean Iceland is her head? I suppose that is true during the summer when the A/C is blaring. So cute!