I have been having trouble sleeping - what a surprise. My mom has always told me that I was the worst sleeper out of all her children - even as a baby I had to be IN my own bed to sleep, none of this drifting off peacefully on my dad's shoulder stuff for me. I'm sure it made for some long whiny nights of traveling for my parents. These days my brain will not turn off, because I keep checking off the lists in my mind and worrying over the items not yet checked off and the items not yet discovered that should be on my list. And yes, the lack of sleep is causing some major whiny nights.
Among many, one sad milestone we have come to is selling our car. You wouldn't think a gold minivan would be near and dear to our hearts, but it has been a faithful car, and we bought it just when Kristy and Jared were getting engaged. We somehow knew that Colorado would be in our future travel plans. Now our future doesn't involve the car that Abbey named The Silver Beezungus anymore (even though it is gold the silver part stuck). Yesterday a family came and gave us an offer on the van. I wanted to refuse it and tell them that there was no way that they could appreciate all the hours we (including a pregnant Kristy) all spent driving to New Mexico to see my brother Randy or the many games we invented to help us get through that long stretch between Price and Grand Junction. Our family cars have always been more about feelings than metal and mechanics, and it is difficult to let those feelings go.
I've told a few of my friends that I really have more empathy for my pioneer mothers who had to choose only a few items to put into that all too small handcart, the contents of which had to provide the family with all the necessities, comforts, and feelings for their new home. It is agonizing to decide which blanket, toy, or outfit will help Abbey adjust to life in Qatar. What food items will we not be able to find in the markets of Doha? Packing my duffel bags and suitcases has made me think of the movie One Fine Day with Michelle Pfieffer and the magic purse her character carried around on her busy day. From this purse she was able to miraculously pull two Halloween costumes, items to create a new outfit when she spilled food all over herself before an important meeting, and a variety of other things, even surprising herself and George Clooney's character. That is what I want - a suitcase that will anticipate my family's needs over the next few months so that we will be prepared for anything. Hey, if any of you know where to find one of those suitcases or if you just have some good suggestions for sleeping under stress and traveling overseas, let me know. All I know is that the Silver Beezungus won't be the handcart I get to pack for this grand adventure. It's too bad too, because those fold down seats have been quite handy for carrying just about everything!
Among many, one sad milestone we have come to is selling our car. You wouldn't think a gold minivan would be near and dear to our hearts, but it has been a faithful car, and we bought it just when Kristy and Jared were getting engaged. We somehow knew that Colorado would be in our future travel plans. Now our future doesn't involve the car that Abbey named The Silver Beezungus anymore (even though it is gold the silver part stuck). Yesterday a family came and gave us an offer on the van. I wanted to refuse it and tell them that there was no way that they could appreciate all the hours we (including a pregnant Kristy) all spent driving to New Mexico to see my brother Randy or the many games we invented to help us get through that long stretch between Price and Grand Junction. Our family cars have always been more about feelings than metal and mechanics, and it is difficult to let those feelings go.
I've told a few of my friends that I really have more empathy for my pioneer mothers who had to choose only a few items to put into that all too small handcart, the contents of which had to provide the family with all the necessities, comforts, and feelings for their new home. It is agonizing to decide which blanket, toy, or outfit will help Abbey adjust to life in Qatar. What food items will we not be able to find in the markets of Doha? Packing my duffel bags and suitcases has made me think of the movie One Fine Day with Michelle Pfieffer and the magic purse her character carried around on her busy day. From this purse she was able to miraculously pull two Halloween costumes, items to create a new outfit when she spilled food all over herself before an important meeting, and a variety of other things, even surprising herself and George Clooney's character. That is what I want - a suitcase that will anticipate my family's needs over the next few months so that we will be prepared for anything. Hey, if any of you know where to find one of those suitcases or if you just have some good suggestions for sleeping under stress and traveling overseas, let me know. All I know is that the Silver Beezungus won't be the handcart I get to pack for this grand adventure. It's too bad too, because those fold down seats have been quite handy for carrying just about everything!