Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kid Questions

I love kid questions. Last week I subbed at Abbey's school for three days in a third grade classroom. It was good to get an insider's look at the people who run the school and how they do it. It was also a good reminder about why I got a secondary teaching certificate instead of an elementary one. They asked me where I was from, what my favorite color is, and what my favorite food is - all the important stuff.

So as I was introducing myself to these third graders I began asking them where they moved from. There were kids from Syria, Peru, Mexico, New Zealand, Jordan, and the U.S. There was a kid there from Minnesota, but he wasn't sure if that was in the United States or not. On the second day, as I was walking around helping students with their math, one little girl from the Phillipines asked if she could touch my hair. I asked her why she wanted to do that. She told me that she had never touched hair that color. So I knelt down and she touched my bleached split ends. I asked her what she thought. She quietly said, "It's dry." I just had to agree. I didn't want to explain how my favorite expensive shampoo was wasted when it spilled all over our duffel bag during our trip to Doha - ruining my Relief Society manual, Brett's dress shoes, and my hair's chances for thick, conditioned richness until we go home in October for Ben's wedding.


Amy said...

Oh, that's nice you can still use your teaching certificate! That must have been fun for Abbey to have you in the same building all day, too! I love the story about the hair, but I'm sorry to hear about the spilled shampoo. Awe, that's a bummer! That happened to me once, but it was my expensive hairspray. It ruined several items in my suitcase. October is just around the corner!

Kristy said...

Ohh, kid questions! At our house today: where's my soccer ball? can I have some bread with butter? are you feeding Kimball? is Kimball sleeping? can I have some bread with butter? do you wanna play with me? what were you doing during my nap? can I have some bread with butter? what are you doing now? what are you gonna do next? what are you gonna do next? can I have some bread with butter?

And that's just in the last ten minutes. :) Almost-three-year-olds rule!

Dianna said...

I sure hope he got his bread with butter - let's see he reminds me of some other three year old about 22 years ago. . . . .

dsaunits said...

Happy Birthday old woman. I cant even imagine being 45 years old.

Anonymous said...

What are the dates that you will be in Utah? How long? I can't wait to see you again!
